Prospective Member Letter


Dear Prospective Member:

Thank you for your interest in the Center for Sacred Sciences. If you decide to join the Center, part of being a member is making a financial contribution for the Center's ongoing operations. Sometimes people ask how much they should pledge. That's a question for you to answer, but I can tell you that people have pledged anywhere from $1.00 to $300.00 per month, and that $25-$75 is average.

Please take the time to consider your financial situation when making your pledge. The Center's board will use the total amount of all member pledges as a starting place to create a new budget for each year. While more resources allow the Center to do more, most important to us is to project an accurate budget and then live within that. If your circumstances change, please contact me to modify your pledge.

When you make your pledge, we also ask for your current address, phone number, and e-mail address. This information will be included in the directory that is available to all members. (The member directory is available only to Center members. The Center does not loan, rent, or sell its member list.) If at any time your address, phone number, or email address changes, please let us know using the update form on the Center's website.

The Center regularly publishes an electronic newsletter, Center Community News, and an online journal, Holos: Forum for a New Worldview. We also have a monthly events flyer. Subscriptions to these publications are free, and you should indicate your subscription preferences on your pledge form. You can change your preferences at any time using the subscription form on the Center's website.

Your pledged dues can be paid by mailing them to the Center's mailing address. If you choose to pay dues by cash, please be sure to attach a note with your name so that the payment can be properly recorded as part of your pledge. You can submit your dues on any date during the month, or you can prepay several months in advance.

  • Center for Sacred Sciences
    1711 Willamette St Ste 301-164
    Eugene OR 97401​

If you and your spouse are joining at the same time we would ask that each of you fill out a separate pledge form. If you wish to pay both dues with a single check, please attach a note the first time letting me know that one of you will be paying for both of you.

Tax receipts are automatically sent to all donors in January. A summary of the Center's operating income and expenses is available on the web site. Feel free to ask me if you have further financial questions.


Jennifer W. Knight